Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Hoboken Flip Cup III Now Open to the General Public!
Half of the tournament is already sold out! Become a VIP to sign up 24 hours before we open general registration at FlipCupGuys.com/VIP
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Parade Day @ Lounge 11!
Join the Flip Cup Guys on March 1st at Lounge 11. Say 'Flip Cup Guys' at the door for free entry between 10am and 11am.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Hoboken Beer Pong II Now Open for Registration!
Event: Hoboken Beer Pong II Date & Time: March 8, 2008 at 1pm Location: Lounge 11 (corner of 5th & Ma...
Official Beer Pong & Beirut Rules
Games begin with 6 16oz cups set up in pyramid formation (3-2-1) on an 8-foot table. FCG will determine the amount of beverage to be poured ...
Official Flip Cup Tournament Rules
Teams consist of 6 players. At the start of each series, teams will be placed on opposing sides of their designated tables. FCG will determi...
About Flip Cup Guys
One night in October 2007 – after many, many, many, many, many, many consecutive Flip Cup victories – two long-time best friends, Mike and S...
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